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You should view our global Terms & Privacy agreement before registering an account.

  • You must be 13 years or older to use our server
  • No spam, abuse, or malicious actions against the server or other users
  • No circumventing bans or boots
  • Please try and keep Ground Zero appropriate
  • If a user is hosting an event, please be mindful and respectful of their rules
  • Do not bypass user mutes
  • Do not bypass or trick HOSTs
  • Do not abuse the WorldsMail

If you experience any user breaking these rules, please do not hesitate to report them to a HOST. You may email or send a WorldsMail to user Worlio.

Staff reserve the right to boot users at any time. If you believe the action taken was not appropriate or that you've been treated unfairly, do not hesitate to contact us.



While our server tries its best to remain faithful to the original, there are a number of changes done to several aspects of our server.

All original assets and worlds should work as intended.

Shared State

If you're a worldsbuilder, you'll be excited to know that our server supports Shared State, which allows forwarding the state of an object to other users in the room. A good example can be seen in the Tama Soccerfield:

This can most commonly be done by setting the "Sharing Mode" property in an object to 3, although other options can be supported. Be sure to choose a unique world and room name for your shared objects, and make several saves. While Shared State is functional, it can be often buggy and break worlds with it.

If you are on versions 1890-1904, you will need to apply this patch. If you've never applied a mod before, you can follow these instructions.


Q: Do I need a Worlio account to join?

A: Absolutely not! WorlioWorlds is its own seperate service and as such, is handled independently.

Q: What features are working?

A: All of them! We support everything the official software did.

Q: How many accounts can I have?

A: You can have a total of 3 accounts attached to your email address.

Q: Can I log in with my old account?

A: We do not and will not have any old account info. You must register a new account.

Q: How do I obtain VIP?

A: You already have VIP. VIP is completely free and never expires for all user accounts. If you don't have it, contact support.

Q: Do I need WorlioWorlds in order to chat with others?

A: Yes and no. You need a server to connect to in order to have multi-user support, but WorlioWorlds is not the only one around.

Q: Are there any events?

A: Check the Calendar!

Q: Can staff read whispers?

A: Only administration can read chats and conversations, and it is only done in the case of reports and moderation, never for the invasion of privacy. Server logs are kept for 7 days.

Contact | is a product of Worlds Inc. | Hosted by Worlio